Lend Me Your Ears

As I've gotten older, I've been amazed at the impact certain music has had on my life. How various songs and albums shaped not only my musical taste, but also how they serve as potent, joyful, and sometimes bittersweet milestones that take me back to a very particular event or point in time. I'm sure that almost everyone reading this has at least one album that hits them in the feels.

To that end, I started writing about the albums and songs that impacted my life. Like a more expansive version of those "Ten Albums In Ten Days" threads that pollute Facebook and other sites. But these musings aren't just a song-by-song analysis of a particular CD. No, I lay bare for all to see my own thoughts and feelings and experiences as they relate to the music being discussed.

I invite you to come along with me as I virtually crate-dive into not only my music collection, but my life as well.
All images and photos are © their respective owners.