Utilizing cutting-edge weaponry supplied by her veteran uncle, Vasquez embarks on a one-woman vigilante war against people who mistreat animals, taking their lives in the same ways they were torturing their helpless four-footed victims. Vasquez marks the abusers' corpses with “pet shaming” signs that match their horrible crimes. Vasquez's actions make their way onto social media, where animal lovers dub her “the Euthanizer”, the hero that fights for the animals.
Yet even as she begins to believe her own digital press, Vasquez's crusade brings her into conflict with Ameriqa Burress, an aggressive businesswoman who wants to create an empire founded on the savagery of dog fighting. Burress sets her muscle on the Euthanizer's trail, determined to prevent the urban vigilante from thwarting her inhumane plans.
With her old partner's investigation closing in on her, and the city's underworld gunning for her, can Vasquez stay true to her mission and outlive the criminals she seeks to eradicate?
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